Andrea James

Happy Tofurky Day!

I went to three grocery stores before I found my Tofurky this year! Worth the effort, though. I really like these things a lot. I roasted my Tofurky with a variant of a recipe on the box: onions, brown sugar, mustard, balsamic vinegar, cider. I usually have Mariani dried cherries in the house (best ever made, topped only by their pineapple), but no dice, so I improvised with some other stuff. It turned out pretty well, though mine didn’t have nearly the amount of stuffing shown on this box. We also had mashed potatoes from scratch, cranberry sauce, magic bars, a tomato salad, wine, and some single malt scotch after dinner.

I have so much for which I am thankful, including great friends and loved ones, cool mentors, the best business partner, and talented peers. Can’t wait to tell you all about what we’ve been working on for our final 2007 project! I hope your Thanksgiving was great, too!

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